God's world

16 may 2011

Welcome: My info

Hello! in this blogs will tell you a little about me
* My full name is Juan Carlos Aponte Méndez.
* I live in Venezuela in Zulia, Maracaibo City I am in my second quarter in Computer Engineering.

I have 18, and in my 18 years I have 12 years practicing martial arts, 3 years as an Instructor of Salsa Casino. I graduated from high school in the educational unit Maria Anastasia Marquez, and leveled at the Academy of Salsa Casino de Son Cubano.

I am arisen I deem the race that I  like at the University Rafael Belloso Chacin (URBE). I'm doing a course in Computer Maintenance and Repair in Tamanaco.

Ω-----This is me, And the Academy where I graduated as an Instructor-----Ω

* What I like:

- Electronic and Rock Music, I do not dance I do the Dance, Iniesta call me by the way I Play Football, I like to Drive and handles all personal watercraft, stay current on technology, I love to meet my Family and play with them.

* What I like to eat it:

- Pizza, The cheese, Burgers, Hot Dogs, The soup that my family prepares, Among others.

* My dreams are:

- Graduating in Computer Engineering, Be a better person, Keep improving every day my style of dancing, Among other things

* I think better in English:

- First of all extend my knowledge in English but above all to improve the pronunciation of words q is more difficult for me.
- And the question as I do?
pss ... read more, asking more in classes, singing, watching more videos of pronunciation in conversation, among other methods.

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